By 2015 it is said that the company just won't have any more cash to play with. The stores are empty. People just don't want to build electronics anymore. Or they are not fixing electronics anymore. Hell I don't think of the stores anymore. I loved to purchase stuff there. But it's like Block Busters. It outlived it's time.

Just like the CB radio. I remember when Radio Shack was the king of CB. Everyone had one in their cars or their hands. Walk and talk radios were in every kid's hands. But it died too.

Just like this dino. Radio is now played on your laptop off streaming. Or you play music off your phone. Radio (I still enjoy it) is getting low on people's lists.

They used to be the king of phones. But hell you can buy a cell phone from anyone. Every store in the area has them. I believe one day they will be in vending machines more. Some places (not here) already have cell phone vending machines.

Old school sitting in front of a radio talking to the world has kind of became a very select line of people. Kind of a shame to see the old go.