Last show they caught three fish over 600 pounds each. Dam monsters of the sea. I was amazed that they even get bigger. Dam they were hard to catch and get aboard in one piece. Very good season this time. If you have never watched Wicked Tuna, well get a real life. It will keep you on the edge of your seat when they hook up a 600 pound fish on a pole and real for two hours.
I guess the world record doesn't happen much anymore. But man there must be one still out there in all that deep awaiting next season.
This over 900 pound baby might be the biggest to date right now.....But rumors say no.
The black and white was 1496 pounds and caught in 1979. But rumors say another one much bigger is in the works. So far it isn't available. or could be bull-shit. 1496 pounds would be hard to beat.
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