Selasa, 22 April 2014

At least it doesn't say selling used condoms!

  Havana author Polina Martínez Shvietsova wrote that the shortage of condoms in state-run pharmacies started about 15 days ago, although shops that cater mostly to foreigners still sell the prophylactics at $1.30 each — a day’s wage for the average Cuban.
Cuba ran low and sold old condoms.     Not used thank God!    But out of date one.     Good chance if you used two everything would still be okay.     Or just kind of use them any way.     It still in most cases would be good.    It's like day old bread.    Just needs a little more care in use.

OMG no fucking way DUDE!      I don't even have to tell about this.    Holy shit Nooooooo!

Here's todays advice....

Both of these condoms are a bad thing.

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