Senin, 28 April 2014

Spitzer got taken to the woodpile by his wife!

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy is what many will say.    I feel any dude getting beat down by the wife is wrong.    Still he might have earned some of it.    He was Mr. Clean most of his life and messed that up with a few calls to NYC.    Plus the black socks did him no favor.     Millions!    Wow!
This one piled his ass too!        Made him into the whore she wanted him to be.     Walked away with some fame.     Didn't last long, still she had it.
This one had her time in the sun too, due to her little love trips with the ex-Gov.
We all know Kris due to the whole in the news deal.    I met her in Watertown.    Very nice lady.

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