Senin, 31 Maret 2014

Todays the day to get signed up or left behind (Obamacare).

It's lunch time.     Are you going to try to get signed up before midnight tonight?    If not, what's going to be the reason?     I have heard many and believe me I get some.

MONEY!      Being one of the biggest reasons some people are saying sorry.     Many say they can not give up the money needed to sign up.     I get that one.     But have to say being a person who has insurance through work, it is not cheap.

THE GOVERNMENT SHOULDN'T FORCE ME!     That's a big one I have heard.    No one has the right to tell me I must buy insurance.     I guess you are correct till you realize (sorry) it is a law now.    So legal in DC says you can be made to buy.     It sounds crazy, it's the truth now.

I WILL PAY THE FINE!      Sure you can.     Sure it isn't much this time.     But I bet in order to make it hard on everyone, the fines will increase as time goes by.     I bet it!   

To be clear I believe the whole thing was made for the right reasons.     To stop abuse from a medical system that's way off the tracks.      But some how it has become such a rough ride for everyone.     Hope you can work it out today.

Monday morning naked ass!

It already has been a hard day for most.    Monday and all that.     Here's some real nice naked ass to help you get to the end of the day.

If you don't like that.....well you are just not living.   

Sure she has a dash going on her lip.     Who cares?


Plan on 52 degrees on Tuesday!

I know with the extra dam snow we got this weekend we could end out with flooding.     Who the hell cares?     I want the snow to melt away all week and be gone.     That's it.     We have had enough.    Yes I won't miss the dam snowmen.     Frosty better go buy a ticket to the North-pole tonight!

I saw a fucking snowman this MORN!

Hey I'd be happy to see a cute snowman in December in front of someone's house.     But one day away from April?     I wanted to stop and kick the shit out of him and the owners of the home.    Why and the hell would you make a happy dam snowman this time of the year?     Hey a snowman with his face sad might have been okay.     I still wouldn't have wanted to see him, I could have felt a little less angry about his happy ass being out near the road.     I didn't want to go to jail.     Lucky for the snowman I didn't drive up on the walk and run him over with the van.

This is where all snowmen need to go today.     Maybe one of you won't mind a little jail time.

Monday morn. Twirking stupid!

                                      Just plan fun.     I guess?

Season Final of Walking Dead was just okay.

Andrew J. West plays Gareth on "The Walking Dead"

We have a new bad guy.     Yes he wears pink lip stick.     I noticed it on the HD last night.    This new bad guy is Gareth.     He is a real organized bad guy.     If you don't get that, watch last night's show.     The Terminus place looked like you could just walk in and out without anyone even caring.    But as the four characters last night found out, that's not the plan.     You can walk in easy, you don't just walk out.     It's a spider's trap.     You flip into the web easy, than the spider pops out for lunch.     Everyone ended out with seconds striped of guns and in a locked box car.      The roof tops were full of snipers.     Everyone worked to push the four into an open area where guns were trained from all angles.    Where there had been no one on the gate when they climbed in, now twenty or more guns were trained on them from all over.     It was a good trap.     Now we have to wait for months to see why they trap others.     I did notice meat cooking but didn't see any cows.   

Rick did go all Rambo on the bad guys on the road just before going to the Terminus.     He tore a dude's throat out with his teeth.     He bit it right out.     Then he murdered two others....Fast!

Hey Rick surprised me.     I thought he was done and over.     He looked like all the fight was gone.    He stepped up hard and saved himself and everyone else.    The pure shock of him tearing the dude's throat out brought the whole gang down.     It was about the most shocking deal yet.    I almost thought for a second that Rick had turned Walker!

I wanted more last night.     But I guess we have to wait for months.    I have to say I can't wait.

North Korea can't even feed it's people...BUT!

They play GI Joe back and forth with South Korea all weekend and now plan on playing with nukes again.     The silly little shit is going to have a nuke test coming up soon.     They can't wait till one day our planes have to fly over and release bunker bombs so big that city blocks will be gone.     I don't want our country to have to waste our money.    But man this jerk can't stop (WELL) being a fucking jerk!

It's time to kill the CROWS!

This is a link from a person who is for killing the dam filthy things if they are eaten.      I have to say that knowing what they eat all day does not make me want to eat one.    They will eat the ass out of a dead skunk.     Not top in my book to eat a creature like that.     Maybe we could kill them all and feed them to animals all around NYS at the zoos?      That way the cycle of life carries on.     Some zoo creature would love to eat them.    I'm sure of it.

Face it the dam things have a problem with us.

I love the Crow movie.      I almost could live with a few of the dam things.     They now blacken the skies when they take off from the trees.    That's to many.

Time to have mercenaries come in and kill the hell out of them

Planning on spending a hour with Jay at z93 Tuesday morn.


I plan on going in around 7am and staying for around an hour or till he gets sick of me.    What ever comes first.      So (HEY) tune in if you can.   

Walking Dead will have a Spin-off show!

Walking Dead Spin Off Plot Ideas
No real answers as to what yet.      But it will have a spin off show coming onto AMC.
No it won't be Rick and the old man doing a garden show.      Poor dude is gone.      Man that would have been cool.      Planting the garden and having to weed out the dead before picking time.     How to run through hordes of the dead with a wheel barrow.      Just fun times.
It's almost like having Nina Dobrev topless.
The above pic is faked.     The link takes you to the real deal.     That girl is HOT!
HOT!      go to the link!
Candice Accola is featured too.    WOW!

She is still trying to sell her virginity!

Girl Who Sold Virginity for $780K Tries to Sell Virginity Again
Girl Who Sold Virginity for $780K Tries to Sell Virginity Again
She got a big price tag once, Japanese man backed out when in his book she was to old for him.    Sick old man wanted a younger girl.      She is 21.     Not young enough.     Plus he said her online picture didn't match.      So she is trying to sell her ass again.
She had an offer of 780k last time and is starting the bid at 100k .      She hopes not to get less this time.      She will be writing a tell all book about her first time.     So you better have more than just money.      You better be able to pop that cherry well!
Her butt is nice.

This lady is a virgin too.     Who will start the bid at $1000.00?

You can buy a virgin for $50 or less every day at your local head-shop!

Here is the Playboy issue of the lady in question.     Read some too....OKAY?

Catarina Migliorini

Yes this is cool and all.      But there is some info in the text.

Minggu, 30 Maret 2014

Sunday morning ass fucking!

You may be bored sitting inside looking at snow on the last day of March.

Mary Bell get's her barley legal ass banged hard.      I know that one will keep you happy for awhile.

New link too. stuff.
Albina is a screamer.      Very hot too.

Top it off with Penny having sex with a panda bear out in the park.    I kid you not.

No one in these short cuts cries about a little action and mess.

Local (ARTIST?) wants another shot.

We have all seen the local art downtown (Watertown NY).     It's a real great mural of our local troops doing their thing.      But it's almost all one color.   
Like orange was the cheapest color or something.     I know it is a sunset.    Or rise, was never sure.    But it looks like a big orange tiger from anywhere on the square.
Building art is so cool.     This is in Harlem NY.      I like it.     You can relate to it near or far away.     Go to Clayton NY and see the art on downtown buildings.     It is easy on the eye and doesn't look like a large tiger from the river.     
This is a good sample of (YES IT"S COOL) to the artist.     But does granny down the street understand it?     Does anyone but the artist get it?    


Black River Valley Horse Association
All the time the fairgrounds is in the radar.      Fighting about who uses it, pricing, and when.     Now the contracts are up on hockey and softball in the summer days.     But no one wants to step up at a meeting and work it out.    Instead they use the press to stir the pot.    They complain.    Contracts are contracts.     Legal ways for the city to decide what will happen.    The hockey team signed one last year that said March was it at the Ice Arena.     The Sunday softball crews need to work out the price.     It won't be easy to work out a cheap price with such high demand for use at the grounds.    It's called supply and demand.    It works for everything.     The hockey team may not get another day there.     Another team wants to (PAY) more money.     Again it makes for a hard day.    But money talks.

Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

Want to be freaked out?

Look at the freaks!
That's her nails!      
Holy dam big ass!
It's time to stop resting lady and start walking.
If you don't see it, look hard.
OMG Nooooooooooo!
That would make for a real bad day (okay.......doing anything).

Dude's girl wasn't having five babys at all.....She was just nuts!

Man was told by his girlfriend several months ago (nine) that she was pregnant and having five babies.     His whole town was told this by the fine young lady.      She even had all signs of being just that.     But as she went into labor the hospital had some bad news for the man.     She was just crazy and not with children!      So now the dude has to return many baby things to the town's folks and she is locked up for a good head check.     O.....that lady above isn't her.     I just like her big ass and tits.     Her bra is fraking cool too.

Who doesn't find a lady knocked up hot?      But it better be true.


Africa loves American Country Music!

This dude calls himself the African Elvis.     
                         Several music talents say that Elvis started their interest in music.

Taco Bell will give breakfast to Canada when Beiber is out of America.

Now that's funny.     If Canada will take Beiber back Taco Bell President will allow Breakfast to be served there.     Nothing more or nothing less.     Get the little punk out of our country please!
                            If I was him, I would go.    Next step could be Sons-Of-Guns!

You don't want them involved in your deportation!

Can we trade him for Ford?      Dude would make a great addition to Congress.


Gang of Wonder-Women are beating up people in the streets.


Super women are beating up tourists in Hong Kong and mugging them.      They are mostly black (or all) and lure men into the red light area for sex.     But there is no sex.     Just beating and taking of all money.     Just isn't fair at all.    The ladies are from an African country (not listed).    

Why can't all super women just hang out half nude and stay cool?

Man killed son over what they were going to watch on TV.

He said they will end the fight in the afterlife one day.     I think not, he can spin it any way it helps him through.    Dude you killed your son over the dam TV!    

Here's the slacker news on the Earth Quake in LA.

                               Slacker dude tells all the important 401 on the 5.1 quake.
                                    Here's what it looks like.     Kind of weird.

We had a real great breakfast at Taco Bell today!

One that Batman himself would have enjoyed.      We had the AM Crunchy Wraps (steak and sausage).      Plus the Cinnamon treats.     Yes I was bad and had fountain drinks.      All in all the place rocks for breakfast.     The crew were very chatty, working very fast, and just friendly to all.    You can tell they enjoy working there and love serving others.     Management knows what it's doing at the Watertown Taco Bell on Arsenal street (BIG NEW YORK STATE).

Jumat, 28 Maret 2014

Dude shoved a 10 inch gun up his ass before going to jail!

Dude put a pistol like this up his ass before going to jail!     10 inch pistol up his ass!   

If he could keep that big gun up his ass, he would have been better off with a power drill!