Rabu, 30 April 2014

It was Tall Boy Tuesday last night.

I bought two hard apple drinks in the tall boy size cans.      I poured my mother-in-law a good share in a glass and drank the rest.     I can tell you I sure didn't need the second can.    Holy shit it was 5.5 and it had a kick.     I was watching TV till I had my nap.    Sue was to bed by 8pm.     It kicked her ass too.     Any apple jack will kick you flat on your butt.


Have to say I thought she wasn't one of us.....BUT

Elise (RUNNING FOR CONGRESS) plays out more and more every day as one of us.

She said today she likes pickled eggs.    Which is real cool.    Most ladies would stick their nose in the air on the better things of life.

She seemed like a whiskey and a beer would be good in some cases.     Still feels like she is one of us.     I like a whiskey and a beer on most days.

She said she loves the pickled sausage.      I have to say add some other likes to her and I see a lady who fits into the crowd at any North Country setting.     I might be swinging.

Holy crap it is Hump Day!

Ladies I would hump (If I was allowed to)....

Yes I would if I could.....(RIMES)...

Put her on the list.

Double it up!

Top of the list...


Ooooooooo! Yaaaaaaaaa!

Why are people just becoming more offensive?

This dude is offensive.      But he goes on doing it.     Why?    What did it gain him to do this?    Maybe it made him feel good.     But it didn't others.     Why couldn't he just sit at home and read the Bible?     I mean really.....Fuck you dude!

I never thought about it......This is dead on.

Holy Cow!      How much more  simple could it be?

Hey there's days when I want to do it too.      But I am beginning to see where it doesn't really help anyone.

Sure it would be great if we all had the same language all over the planet.     But Spanish is easier to learn.    Did you know that?     It is.     The English language is very hard to learn.    Most people in this country have not learned and they were born here.

I would love for this man to be in charge of all relationships we have.     He had so many good ideas.     He was and is a very cool man.     He pities the FOOL!

Selasa, 29 April 2014

Dirty deeds done dirt cheap!

I don't want to repeat what I saw today about one of the people running for the 21st in NY.    It only comes down to Dirty deeds done dirt cheap.     It's no wonder no one wants to run anymore.     I know it's the news sights duty to run it if it come in.    But who dug it up is the question?    

Shake that ass.....Bitch!

                         I didn't add the Bitch part to be mean.....It's in the tune.

The new system at work might drive us all crazy!

I have learned enough to be dangerous.      It is not simple in any way.     It is a total alien raised from another planet way to bill parts.      But we have to carry on.

Another man fucking a goat!


That's a sheep, but you have the idea.

Are you sad when eating alone?


Japanese place loans you a stuffed animal to eat with.     Can't tell you how many times that would have been great to have.     Alone and sad at a eatery and now you have a friend, cool!

Dumb ass does a bunch of damage....

                Thousands of dollars damaged plus the dude at hot pockets....

              Till he passed out cold....

Lady kills two with her SUV and sues living kid she ran over!


Brandon Majewski (Image from facebook.com)

She ran over this kid and two others with her SUV, he lived.    The others died.    She now feels she has problems because the kids and wants money.     SHE WANTS MONEY!    

Senin, 28 April 2014

Overly large BOOBS MONDAY!

Yes just overly large tits!

She has some kind of papers for her boobs.

If that sling was to break right now, OMG!

Dispatch a crane and a chain.

How does that little girl motor those puppies around?

Dam I would love to see them in the wild!

See these are in the WILD!

Free Range BOOBS!

Maybe we should find a way to keep Billions of dollars worth of ammunition!


This man has a perfect right to ask the hard questions to the Military.     Because they have no idea about their inventory of small ammunition stock piles, they plan on destroying it.     1.2 billion dollars worth of protection (WHO KNOWS TODAY) we might need.     It's not so much the waste as it is the danger of just taking all this ammo out of the game.     WHAT IF WE NEED IT?      Look at the facts......

We are poking the bear every dam day!

Who would think they would see one?

Coming home Friday night the police and the fire dept. were bringing a portable met lab out of a wooded area not more than a few feet from my house.     Okay about a quarter mile away, still very near.     Hey good for them for finding it and taking it all away.    But man it is getting real now.      This stuff is everywhere.      Getting to be a bad world we live in.

NYS wants to have pot sales this Spirng.

I can see allowing people with cancer all the pot they need.     It makes what life they have left good.

This lady for sure has no reason not to smoke some or eat it to take the pain away.

I just hope (even when I have bad pain myself some days) that people won't be able to go to the doctor and ask for some for back pains.     Or old injuries they claim are killing them.    Hey I understand pain in my back.    Some days it is real bad.     But to have to have pot to make it through the day, I don't know.    

Dogs have no idea of time....

Wouldn't that be nice?      Just not even know what time it is, day, and month.       Wouldn't ever be late or early.     Just sit some place and think about chasing rabbits and maybe cats.    Nice!      I wonder if a doctor could do the same thing for us with a little snip?

Spitzer got taken to the woodpile by his wife!

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy is what many will say.    I feel any dude getting beat down by the wife is wrong.    Still he might have earned some of it.    He was Mr. Clean most of his life and messed that up with a few calls to NYC.    Plus the black socks did him no favor.     Millions!    Wow!
This one piled his ass too!        Made him into the whore she wanted him to be.     Walked away with some fame.     Didn't last long, still she had it.
This one had her time in the sun too, due to her little love trips with the ex-Gov.
We all know Kris due to the whole in the news deal.    I met her in Watertown.    Very nice lady.

Minggu, 27 April 2014

There's my little smoking buddy....ON HBO!

                                 Little fat smoking buddy made it to HBO!

Man has a Phobia of Kim Kardashian!

kim kardashian, kardashian, phobia, scared, afraid, kanye west, kim and kanye, sex tape,
He can't even look at her.     He is in total panic over seeing her any place.     That would suck for any one.    Let's face it....Kim is every where!      She is on every magazine in the store.    Every TV.     All over the street signs.     On shirts.     Wow you could not get away from seeing KIM!
kim kardashian, kardashian, phobia, scared, afraid, kanye west, kim and kanye, sex tape,
Seeing her can make him vomit.      I kid you not.     He needs to move to a cave right away.   Because only a cave living hermit won't see Kim on a day to day basis.    
How could that make you sick?     Man I want to see more of her.

Cats are becoming to smart!

cat, toilet, roll, willie, clean, tabby, moggy
This one craps on the crapper.     That's going to far.     I don't want them in my bathroom.
The dam cat (Willie) is case at hand for not allowing it to go on.

US Airlines responed with naked pics of a lady with a plane in her Hoo-Ha!


We welcome feed back!     Very nice.     I find it funny.    Hey others might not.    But if anything it sure won't be forgotten any time soon if you got a Tweet like that.     Happy and Joy-Joy to you!

I found it for you...

Let's name everything from the Bible....


weird, sign, road sign, adam and eve, paradise, cambridge, funny

A city where the streets have all of a sudden changed names and have some baffled to who made the choices.      Adam and Eve street?     Help me find Adam and Eve?     What?    Seems a bit strange.   But the area was built over a area called the Garden Of Eden.     So the names followed.   

Couldn't we all use a week of dry weather?

Nice clear Spring days for more than a few hours at a time?      I have seen enough snow and rain to last the rest of the year!      Wow it just keeps going on!     More rain and more.     It has hit a point where we need a week of dry to be able to walk on the yard and pick it up.    
Enough is enough!      We are not looking forward to putting in rice fields!     But at this point it might be all we can do.     It's to wet!
I'm all for nude in the rain kind of stuff........Just we have had our time already.     Time for sunny and mowers.      I hate mowing, still better than drying everything up for days.

I need a DVD player again.

Yes I sort of broke it one night this week.     Okay I tore it apart when for the millionth time it messed up and didn't work correctly.     Yes it pissed me off and lost the fight, or I did.     It was a cheap unit  and sometimes you get what you pay for.     Anyway it no longer is a DVD player.

I think I am going to try to find a cheap X-box today to take it's place.     They not only play games I like, they also will play a DVD as well if not better than a cheap player.     So it's a win-win.      Just waiting for the game stores to open.    See what I see.

Stop being STUPID!

All we have heard all week is dumb ass people calling in false accounts of people in the Black River.    It isn't funny when you know there really is a man in there.    I live along the same run the guy fell into from his boat and hope every day we wont' find him out back.    Yelling wolf will pay you back one day.     Read the children's story.     Stop playing your stupid games.   If you are bored, maybe ask if anything is needed in the search.    Use your time for the better.