We have tow child molesters in the local area who took little Amish girls and hurt them with weird sex games. All because the weird sex games between them wasn't enough.. He played master forcing slave sex with her. But that just wasn't enough for the tow of them. They needed more just like the crazy monster above.
This creature too hurts children for fun.
It takes a special kind of person to become one of these paddy-wackers.
But realize when a person like these fine people goes to jail it is all different. Child molesters are the low of the low in prison. A dude that skinned women and wore them as a tie shirt is hugged more often than a child molester. They get shanked more often than any other person in there. So while the rest of us will be going back to work in a few months, these freaks will have to hope the prison warden doesn't point their crime out the first day.
Maybe they will wait a few weeks?
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