Senin, 31 Maret 2014

Todays the day to get signed up or left behind (Obamacare).

It's lunch time.     Are you going to try to get signed up before midnight tonight?    If not, what's going to be the reason?     I have heard many and believe me I get some.

MONEY!      Being one of the biggest reasons some people are saying sorry.     Many say they can not give up the money needed to sign up.     I get that one.     But have to say being a person who has insurance through work, it is not cheap.

THE GOVERNMENT SHOULDN'T FORCE ME!     That's a big one I have heard.    No one has the right to tell me I must buy insurance.     I guess you are correct till you realize (sorry) it is a law now.    So legal in DC says you can be made to buy.     It sounds crazy, it's the truth now.

I WILL PAY THE FINE!      Sure you can.     Sure it isn't much this time.     But I bet in order to make it hard on everyone, the fines will increase as time goes by.     I bet it!   

To be clear I believe the whole thing was made for the right reasons.     To stop abuse from a medical system that's way off the tracks.      But some how it has become such a rough ride for everyone.     Hope you can work it out today.

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