Senin, 26 Mei 2014

Line up and blame the guns!

I have already seen stupid online stories about how it's to easy to buy guns and commit mass murder.    I admit yes it is easy to buy guns.     As it should be.     It is also easy to put people away in dark deep caves that are fucked up in the head!      Like the dude that just drove around wanting to kill women.    I will promise you right now he has had problems his whole life and everyone who knew him will tell the same.    BUT HE WAS NEVER LOCKED UP!      That's the problem.     He was free like a walking time bomb to run the streets and bang it was over.     All because we would have to take a few millions away from building weapons of mass destruction from the military.     That's all these people need.    A few million dollars to house them and try to help them, that we waste on wars.   
But the libs already know it was the guns.....

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