Sabtu, 16 Agustus 2014

Strange Shit that's real! The Arizona Red Ghost!

Ever hear about the RED GHOST of Arizona?      It started in 1883 on a lonely ranch near Eagle Creek in Southeastern Arizona.      The men when to fix different things on their property and the women stayed home to take care of the kids.     One young lady went down by the river to get water.     A scream was heard by all in the house.     Sure enough a big red beast was out in the yard with a human skeleton on it's back.     It was very big.    Bigger than a horse.     It was fast but lumbering.      It was a creature no one had ever seen before.
After locking every door and hiding for the day, the men came back at night.    Where was the poor young lady?   Out in the yard dead and crushed into pieces by the MONSTER!
For years afterwards miners and many others had encounters with the RED GHOST!     A MONSTER that entered camps and destroyed wagons.     Chased you in the woods at night!     Had a dead body on it's back!      Made monster sounds!      Hated cowboys!      (READ THE LINK).
Nine years of this and no one ever knew what the creature was or why it was after them.     Rancher gets up early in Eastern Arizona (thing traveled).      In his yard is the RED GHOST!     Standing and eating grass.     He takes aim with a gun and downs it with one shot.      Sure enough it is the beast that has killed and brought terror to the state for years.     it has a body strapped with leather to it's back.     It is a .......
CAMEL!        A big red camel from the Army.      The army of the day used them to move everything they needed through the hot lands.     Till the rails came.     Then they sold them to zoos and the such.     BUT......One was lost.    
Where did the body come from?    One army dude wouldn't ride the animals or get near them.    So as a training (joke) they strapped him with leather to the great beast's back.     Well you can think up the rest.    The animal got loose.    Ran away with the man and was never found.     Not till nine years later.    
So you know just from this one story that Bigfoot and flying saucers do ride the skies.
Red Ghosts do travel your back yard too.    Or they did.

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