Minggu, 22 Juni 2014

I asked the same thing (Where are the correction officers?)....

Ex con reviews the new show (Orange in the new black) and wonders just what I did.....Where are the fucking guards?      It's like a happy party with bitches.   
You wait for the tea party to start.     I wonder (just like the ex-con) if they even looked into a prison to see what life is there?     
Not that these guys are bad.      But they sure are there at all times.
One show really pissed off the ex-con.     Inmate puts eggs on the wall and tells the guard a long story about it.     Then is put in another cell.     She said the guards would have not only came close to popping you one, you also would have never talked about it.    You would get a bucket and cleaning crap.   You would clean it or not eat again for awhile.    No happy talk about it.     Wow!

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